

Design demystified and liberated

The majority of design has to do with the quality of thinking involved and this quality of thinking would be useful to everyone.
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Alien invasion – A view of creativity in Business

What I’ve noticed is a particular kind of awkwardness when two individuals, where one is creative and the other isn’t, meet to discuss for a project.
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Development VS High performance management

What follows in this article, is a selection of arguments and criteria to favor a culture of development prior to or in parallel with a culture of high performance for any business.
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Design practice in a crisis stricken country

It requires wisdom to see poverty and creativity going well together. They only suit one another after the tears are dry and the creative person returns to creativity for healing and personal expression. However, when a business has to be sustained poverty is a killer of dreams and hope.
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Greece Vs Innovation

Before Greek businesses invest in innovation, they need to re-invent themselves. There is a single reason for this. The current Greek business culture contradicts innovation in principle.
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